Legacy Impact

LCF provides personalized educational support, service-learning engagement, and hands-on leadership roles to equip teens to graduate and achieve their unique potential.

Academic Coaching

Literacy Advancement

Opportunities to travel and discover new possibilities

Homeless and Hungry Outreach

Leadership Training

Impact 1

Benefits & Outcomes

Rooted in what's right with youth, not their mistakes, the Legacy team is motivated and dedicated to accelerating personalized learning and opportunities so youth can see and experience the world's goodness. The mastery of gentle hands of guidance and laser-focused eyes on student progress transforms hurting and hopeless youth into vibrant, energized voices of leadership, Pay It Forward, kindness, and educated citizenship. All things are possible in Legacy!



And preparing youth for successful futures



Youth leadership and advocacy

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Youth in building healthy relationships



The lonely, hungry, and discouraged



Youth curiosity, innovation, and discovery

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Our Framework

EVIDENCE-BASED STRATEGIES: Providing a framework of evidence-based resources and relationships for Legacy youth to belong and thrive.

For more check out searchinstitute.org

SUCCESSFUL PREPARATION: Carefully monitoring through data collection to ensure Legacy youth have proficient English reading, speaking, listening, and writing skills to graduate from high school and be successfully prepared to live and work in America.

LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES: Learning opportunities to explore and discover their interests and the beauties and wonders of America.

Hear From Our Founding Students

Legacy Student Facts


Highschool Graduation Rate


Graduates To Date


1st Generation Graduates

How To Support Us

Educated youth leaders developed with a growth mindset to be life-long learners and servers are the future of our great country! LCF personalizes positive youth programming to achieve these goals. Your gift of time or a financial gift of any amount guarantees these outcomes are achieved. Thank you for your consideration.